Compact Power,

Ultimate Precision

AUG 12 is a modern bullpup shotgun designed for superior performance and versatility. With its compact yet powerful structure, it ensures precision shooting while maintaining excellent maneuverability. The ergonomic grip and advanced rail system provide enhanced control, making it ideal for tactical operations and competitive shooting.

Kalibre 12 GA 3″
Fişek Yatağı 76 mm / 3”
Mekanizma Yarı Otomatik
Namlu Uzunluğu 47cm / 18,5”
Namlu 4140 Krom delinmiş çelik
Ağırlık 3,6± kg / 8 lb
Gövde Alüminyum Eloksal / Cerakote Kaplama
Şarjör Kapasitesi 2+1, 5+1, 10+1
Tetik Trigger Safety
Omuzluk Özel Poliüretan Ped
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